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What is AdBlue® Diesel Exhaust Fluid?
AdBlue® is the registered trademark for AUS32 (diesel exhaust fluid) and has become the solution of choice for diesel fleet operators working on cutting the concentration of mono-nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the exhaust emissions of their vehicles, with many businesses having already installed AdBlue® tanks to their vehicles in an attempt to meet reduction requirements on the continent.
What is the correct concentration of AdBlue®?
​For those who may not know, AdBlue® is a solution comprising of a 32.5% urea, 67.5% demineralised water mix for selective catalytic reduction (SCR). This is where the solution is injected into the exhaust systems of diesel vehicles to reduce concentrations of NOx in the gases expelled. In order for it to be effective, the solution must be kept at this precise concentration, otherwise, it may not bring down NOx levels to the necessary amount required.
Why does AdBlue® purity matter?Ad
Whilst safe to use, on the whole, it is important for the efficiency of the solution to ensure that the AdBlue® you obtain for your fleet is stored and dispensed securely to maintain the perfect purity of the liquid. If you are have taken the step to install AdBlue® tanks on your trucks, or you are looking to do so but are not sure on how best to keep these tanks filled, Fuel Storage Equipment UK can help you set up AdBlue®pumps for your own fleet.
A big part of this is ensuring that AdBlue® is dispensed securely, with no outside elements compromising the solution. On our site, you will find the pumps and suitable hoses necessary for you to operate the most effective selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system possible in your vehicles. Whether you need an easily transportable pump for your single vehicle or need a static pump for a large fleet, there will be something to suit you here.
How Much AdBlue® i need?
Looking at the average consumption of AdBlue® in the UK, the amount needed is generally 5% of diesel use, therefore if your vehicle uses 100 litres of diesel; it will only use 5 litres of AdBlue®.
What equipment do i need?
Whilst there are a large and ever-growing number of refuelling locations that now include AdBlue® dispensing for heavy-duty vehicles, there is certainly no security better than having all the necessary equipment within your own site. Our AdBlue® pumps will effectively and quickly do this job, being compatible with the full range of storage tanks or barrels available and varying from electrically powered pumps to manual hand pumps.
We can provide full pumping kits to work with IBC AdBlue® tanks, which include the necessary tubing and nozzles to dispense securely into the vehicle tank. We also stock individual parts for those with existing setups, who need replacements or want the extra peace of mind from a concentration checker or a flow meter to measure the amounts being used in each of your vehicles.
There is certainly a lot to consider when managing your SCR systems. With a range of different possible configurations and gadgets available for use in an AdBlue® pump set up, we are here to both help you in understanding the systems and determining the equipment you need to best fit the size and needs of your fleet. Feel free to contact us with enquiries and to get hold of the best AdBlue® dispensing equipment available.
Containing AdBlue® & Preventing Pollution
AdBlue® solution must be contained in a secure tank and dispensed with care. It is a pollutant to surface water and groundwater and has caused a number of serious incidents. Spills can occur due to the corrosion of pipework, or through misuse of filling equipment. The Environment Agency reserves the right to prosecute under Anti-Pollution Works Regulations should the correct conditions not be met.
– AdBlue® is a trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA).
AdBlue® Spills & What To Do
AdBlue® is an aqueous urea solution used to help modern diesel engines reduce their NOx (nitrogen oxide) emissions. Due to the latest EURO 6 emission regulations being brought into effect as of September 2015, AdBlue® is something that will become more and more commonplace.
For passenger vehicles, AdBlue® will generally just be topped up during a service unless they cover high mileage in which case a top-up may be needed using a plastic AdBlue® container purchased at a forecourt. This may change to an AdBlue® dispensing pump on a forecourt (as more and more cars start to use AdBlue®). On the commercial side, large fleet operators will more than likely start to store AdBlue® in bulk on-site to meet their needs.
Both of these lead to the potential of an AdBlue® spillage or leak, which may affect the environment (urea solutions are very harmful & polluting to surface & groundwater). Although AdBlue® is non-toxic, if spilt & not cleaned up immediately, it will crystallise upon drying. There is also the potential for it to enter open drains as well.
How To Avoid Spills & Deal With Them If They Happen
Here are a few tips on how to deal with a potential spill, as well as potentially stop one from taking place.
Firstly you should make sure that:
Your container, pipework, & dispensing equipment are suitable for use with AdBlue®
Secondary containment for the AdBlue® container & any ancillary equipment is available
The dispensing area drainage is isolated from any & all surface water drains.
If you have a trigger nozzle to dispense your AdBlue®, make sure your nozzle cannot be left in the open position.
Make sure that you have appropriate emergency equipment to deal with large & small spills. For example, you could use spill kits, drain mats, pipe blocker, or permanent valves on drainage systems to provide containment.
Make sure any spill kits used are suitable with water based products (ABKIT06A)
Make sure you have an emergency plan as well as suitable training for dealing with spillages or other accidents (See incident response planning:PPG 21 for guidance to help you write your plan)
Although there are no current specific regulations that require AdBlue® to be stored in a certain manner, the environmental agency does state that if they believe there is a significant environmental risk they will use their enforcement powers to make sure you meet their good practice guidelines.
If you do come across an AdBlue® spill then act immediately. Use a spill kit to clean up any spill (& any other measures to stop the spill from spreading). Then rinse the area thoroughly with water to avoid any crystallisation.
– AdBlue® is a trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA).